Thank you for your interest in the work of WCCYM. We are seeking to consolidate and then expand our activities to respond to opportunities in several areas of our ministry, particularly as there are currently no paid youth workers in local churches in the west Cambridge area. We have three part-time staff and a number of volunteers.
We offer a range of events through which young people can connect with others, explore the Christian faith and then grow in discipleship. These include social events, small group discussions, a residential weekend and camping at a summer festival. In local schools we offer pastoral support one-to-one or in small groups at the request of school staff, as well as leading assemblies and participating in Personal Development and Religion, Philosophy and Ethics lessons. Our chaplaincy project at Comberton has also given us the opportunity to offer support to staff as well as pupils.
We remain deeply grateful to all those individuals who already support our work through regular donations, and also for the support received from local churches. However, in 2023 we dare to hope for an increase in financial support to allow us to consolidate our work and respond to new opportunities.
30 for 30
We dare to hope for 30 additional donors in our 30th year. We are very grateful for one-off gifts, but we are even more grateful for individuals who can commit to giving on a monthly basis, as this enables us to plan ahead with more confidence (see examples below).
£5 per month = £60 per year (£75 with gift aid)
£10 per month = £120 per year (£150 with gift aid)
£15 per month = £180 per year (£225 with gift aid)
£20 per month = £240 per year (£300 with gift aid)
£25 per month = £300 per year (£375 with gift aid)
£50 per month = £600 per year (£750 with gift aid)
There are two ways in which you can give financially to WCCYM:
Download WCCYM’s giving form and set up a monthly or one-off donation by filling this out and returning it to the WCCYM treasurer (details on the form) – this is preferable as WCCYM does not have to pay a fee for this